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Medic Uran reference from Jan

The active effective radius: 100 feets (in diameter, shape of the field: sphere)

Radiating energy: cca 925 000 BE

According to Jan Kefer, Uran is a principle of Revolution and change to something new...

Truly nothing else describes the new Somavedic Medic Uran better. We can even continue with a quotation: Uran as a signifier of actions and events symbolizes everything related to reformations, inventions, metaphysics, clairvoyance, lighter-than-air aviation, electricity, technology, etc... If we took lighter-than-air aviation as for example astral traveling (out of body experience), then this planetary characteristic from one of the biggest Czech hermetists of the 20th century would correspond to our new Somavedic. Among other things, it is the strongest series production model of Somavedic.

Influence on chakras and aura

How much does it influence opening of chakras: 32% (works if we consciously work on ourselves)

How much does it influence harmonization of biofield of chakras: 94%

How much does it influence activity of chakras: 37%

How much does it influence harmonization of aura of a person - how it can "repair" aura: 100%

Can Somavedic support flow capacity of connecting channel between chakras: Yes

Influence on GPZ (Geopathic zones)

How much does it eliminate the effect of GPZ: 100%

How much does it eliminate electrosmog in general: 100%

How much does it decrease the harmful effect of Wi-Fi radiation: 100%

How much does it decrease the harmful effect of Blue-tooth radiation: 100%

How much does it decrease the harmful effect of microwave radiation: 100%

How much does it decrease the armful effect of GSM grids: 100%

How much does it decrease harmful effect digital networks of TV and radio signals: 100%

How much does it decrease harmful effect of radiation of electrical current: 95 %

Other functions:

How much does it eliminate negative energy from people: 100 %

How much does it eliminate psychosomatic energies in space: 100%

How much does it protect against the effect of torsion fields: 100%

How much does it eliminate the harmful effects of chemtrails: 100%

How much does it protect against the effect of egregors of religions: 95%

How much does it positively influence the development of extraordinary abilities: 35%

How much does it help to deepen meditation: 62%

How much does it improve concentration: 83%

How much does it work on improving the overall physical health condition of people: 80%

How much does it influence improving of the psyche: 50%

How much does it eliminate nthe egative impact of oncology "treatment": 64%

Does Somavedic positively influence all beings in its area of effect: Yes

Does Somavedic positively influence "alpha" state: Yes

Can Somavedic eliminate malignant tumors: No

Can Somavedic slow down the growth of malignant or benign tumors: Yes

Can Somavedic decrease negative influences of antibiotics: Yes

Can Somavedic positively influence mental well-being: Yes

Does Somavedic have a positive influence on the activity of both brain hemispheres: Yes

Does Somavvedic have a positive influence on the operation of the connecting channel between brain hemispheres: Yes

Does Somavedic have a positive influence on increasing life force energy of people: Yes

Does Somavedic have a positive influence on increasing frequency of vibrations of people: Yes

This applies to people who are currently consciously working on themselves. By working on ourselves we are increasing our frequency of vibrations. Uran device strengthens these tendencies. The amount of influence on increasing frequency of vibrations is dependent upon each individual.

Does Soamvedic field create a protection against black magic: Yes

In the field of Uran it is almost impossible to drain energy from other people. That means both consciously and unconsciously. In cases when strong black magic is used against one person and a parasite is "installed" in them, or an artificial astral parasitic quasibeing, which drains their energy, Uran decreases its effects. There were confirmed cases with Somavedic Medic, when a person who was doing black magic consciously and a person, who was doing it unconsciously (draining energy), they were asking to turn the Medic off. That perhaps relates to several factors. One is that Somavedic contains frequencies, which disturb certain frequencies that black magic is based on. Second is that Somavedic constantly cleans its environment from everything, which is dangerous and non-beneficial not only for a human organism. Uran works even more strongly and has a wider range of effect.

Can Somavedic expel poltergeists from its field: Yes

Here it is dependent on a given poltergeist, or a group of poltergeists and their energy and the way they get this energy (this has yet to be explained satisfactorily by someone). For example, for a complete cleaning of infamous farm Pohádka we would need two Uran devices, which would clean the whole area of buildings and their immediate environment roughly in one week.

When it comes to Somavedic Harmony, two highly sensitive people and one deceased person confirmed that the field of Somavedic is very unpleasant for negative beings, and on the contrary is very pleasant for positive beings. For a negative being (the soul of a dead person), the safe distance was about 2,5 meters from Harmony device. We can assume that for this same being it would be around 10 meters in case of Uran device.

Somavedic device constantly, during night and day, cleans the whole area of its effect, from all negative and for people non-beneficial energies, and fills it with positive and beneficial energies, both for the human body and for the human psyche. This does not apply only to people but also items, plants, minerals and animals. When it comes to plants, it applies only to those who do not seek GPZ. Plants who seek heavy geopathic zones usually die, because they are not able to adapt to new energies, that is energies of Somavedic, in time. Unlike animals like cats, who adapt quite soon - usually in two to three days.

Based on cooperation with several owners of Somavedic devices I created an analysis of cats who live in households with Somavedic. All cats are completely satisfied in their home environment. The only difference is that after installing Somavedic in the household, some cats took longer to find a place to sleep. In one case I also measured cat's food before and after it was exposed to Somavedic Atlantic.

Model Uran works more strongly than model Medic also on metals. Therefore I made the following experiment with metal bottles.

Bottle 1

Aluminum bottle for water

Length of exposure to Somavedic: 1 hour

Energy before exposure: 6 500 BE

Energy after exposure: 46 000 Be

Bottle 2

Stainless double-walled Thermos bottle

Length of exposure to Somavedic: 1 hour

Energy before exposure: 19 000 BE (I've owned this bottle for 2 years and it has been often harmonized during that time. If it was newly bought, its energy would be similar to the bottle #1)

Energy after exposure: 52 000 BE

Following is the analysis of the effect of Uran device on water

Effects on water

Source of water: Tap water with energetic value 6 500 BE

Volume: 200 ml

Container: Small glass from ordinary glass

Length of exposure to the device: 3 minutes

Distance of the small glass from the device: 3 cm

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 76 000 BE

Volume: 200 ml

Container: Small glass from ordinary glass

Length of exposure to the device: 10 minutes

Distance of the small glass from the device: 10 cm

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 93 500 BE

Distance of the small glass from the device: 30 cm

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 80 000 BE

Distance of the small glass from the device: 1m

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 65 000 BE

Distance of the small glass from the device: 2 m

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 49 000 BE

Distance of the small glass from the device: 4 m

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 38 000 BE

Distance of the small glass from the device: 8 m

Resulting energetic value after exposure to the device: 28 000 BE

Note: It doesn't matter whether it's 200 ml or 0.5 gallons

Other findings

Somavedic Medic Uran is a device, range of effect of which is very wide and I assume that in the future we will find out its other effects. This ground-breaking device can also clean personal morphic field of people and can repair DNA. It is natural that you will notice its effect on smoothing your wrinkles - just like with all Somavedic devices. Even here it is true that these effects are noticeable after about one year - this is very individual and depends also on the lifestyle of people, who live in its sphere of influence. However this "effect of smoothing down wrinkles" will be noticed by truly everyone. Body of the device is made of uranium glass. Uranium glass was already known to ancient Romans, who were also familiar with the spiritual properties of uranium. In Czech Republic it started to be manufactured in Jáchymov in the middle of the 19th century. Because of the admixture of uranium into the glass body, this model has higher efficiency in increasing vibrations of the spiritual body of people than other models, and it also generally works more intensively on increasing tendencies of spiritual growth. But I must stress that it will not do your work for you. I would comment on this principle with words of a classic:

"Man, make an effort and God will help you."


Since 2. 10. 2016, that is from publishing the analysis of model Somavedic Harmony, I have received more than 150 emails with questions about not only Somavedic, but also all other possible or impossible devices for elimination of geopathic zones, electrosmog, harmonizing of environment and many other things I was dealing with. Not once have I encountered something that could compare to e.g. Model Medic. In all cases even device Harmony was more efficient - it was often much cheaper and significantly stronger than other devices - if it could be called that way. I often came across cases when people sent me for example a plastic cone, a piece of wavy metal plate - from a specific metal, or a metal pyramid for comparison. Here I would also like to mention that if the producer of Somavedic devices should apply the same price policy like some other producers of "miracle devices against all kinds of radiation", than for example device Harmony wouldn't cost 300 Euros, but 2.700 euros. Production costs of this device are really not low. Glass ground body is being made in a small Czech glass factory; inside of the devices there are minerals, semi-precious stones, precious metals, a special amplifier, diodes and other custom-made components, and in addition to that all of them have to be particularly controlled.

If we look at the functions of Uran device and its whole production process, then we can say that the price of 680 Euros is very favorable.

Jan, homosignum.cz